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How Much Will You Lose

Losing Weight After Surgery

Surgery is just one tool to help you lose weight, you also need to follow a healthy diet and become physically active.

We consider your bariatric surgery as a tool that makes these changes easier. Your doctor will explain what is involved but it is not just about surgery’ rather our focus is on helping our patients lose as much weight as possible, improve their health, and get their life back.

This means learning how to eat healthier and incorporating regular exercise into your everyday life can be challenging, but the end results make the struggle worth it.

Patients who have undergone successful bariatric surgery:
  • Look far healthier, 
  • have more energy, 
  • can engage in more activities, and 
  • are often able to resolve their co-morbid conditions.

How Much Will You Lose?

Our aim is to help patients lose between 60% and 100% of their excess weight (that is, the number of extra kilograms you are carrying over a BMI of 25).

The final goal weight you reach depends on several factors including your 
  • build, 
  • body composition, 
  • sex and 
  • age. 
It also depends on how successfully after surgery you are in changing your:
  • dietary behaviours, 
  • lifestyle, and 
  • physical activity levels
The reason why we set a minimum goal of achieving 60% excess weight loss is because this level of weight loss will lead to maximal improvement in any weight-related co-morbidities.

Weight Loss Timing

  • Sleeve Gastrectomy - most patients reach their goal weight by 12 months, 
  • Gastric Bypass - most patients reach their goal weight by 18 months
  • Gastric Band - most patients reach their goal weight by 24 months. 
This roughly equates to losing between 0.5kg-2kg per week, depending on your starting weight.

How Quickly Will Weight Be Lost?

Generally, weight is lost more with a relatively equal speed after bypass and sleeve in first few month - at approximately 1-2kg per week. 

Most patients reach their goal weight within 9-12 months.
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